So What’s The Difference Between Vapour & Smoke?

Vapour Vs Smoke

Have you ever thought about the differences between ecigarette vapour and tobacco cigarette smoke? Well, this vape blog post will tell you. We delve into the details of vapour and smoke, what sets them apart and their chemical make up, as well as harmful effects and compare the two, so you have all the information at hand.

What is vapour and what is smoke?

Ecigarette Vapour

E-liquid vapor and cigarette smoke are quite different from each other. E-liquid vapor is the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or personal vaporizer when it is used to heat a liquid solution, known as e-liquid, that contains a mix of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and nicotine. E-liquid vapor is usually inhaled and exhaled in a similar way to cigarette smoke, but it is generally considered to be less harmful than cigarette smoke.

Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke is the smoke produced by burning tobacco in a cigarette. It is a complex mixture of over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and can cause cancer. Cigarette smoke is inhaled and exhaled, and it contains a high concentration of particulate matter, which can be harmful to both the smoker and those around them.

The main difference between e-liquid vapor and cigarette smoke is that e-liquid vapor is produced by heating a liquid solution, while cigarette smoke is produced by burning tobacco. E-liquid vapor is generally considered to be less harmful than cigarette smoke.

Main Differences:

  1. Composition: E-liquid vapor is produced by heating a liquid solution containing propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and nicotine. Cigarette smoke is produced by burning tobacco, which is a complex mixture of over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and can cause cancer.


  2. Harmfulness: E-liquid vapor is generally considered to be less harmful than cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke is known to be harmful to both the smoker and those around them, and it has been linked to a wide range of serious health problems, including lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease.


  3. Secondhand smoke: E-liquid vapor is generally not considered to be harmful to those around the user. Cigarette smoke, on the other hand, can be harmful to those around the smoker, as it contains a high concentration of particulate matter and toxic chemicals.


  4. Smell: E-liquid vapor typically has a much milder and less unpleasant smell than cigarette smoke.


  5. Flavour: E-liquid vapor can come in a wide range of flavors, including fruit, dessert, and tobacco flavors. Cigarette smoke has a distinct and unpleasant smell that is often described as being “smoky” or “tar-like.”