DIY E-Liquids – Should You Start Making Your Own Juice?

If you are one of the millions of Britons who enjoy vaping, then you have probably heard about the new trend of DIY E-Liquid. Vapers across the country have recently discovered ways to design and create their own safe, tasty and effective DIY E-Liquids, an act that not only allows them to have complete control over their vape, but also saves them heaps of money!

Why are so many people moving to DIY E-Liquids?

To put it simply – money! DIY E-Liquids are, on average, 10 times cheaper than purchasing ready-made products on the market. By following simple instructions and utilising affordable ingredients, you can create a 10 mL bottle of E-Liquid for around 30 p. Most other retail vaping liquids for purchase are at least £3 to £6 for 10 mL – just do the simple maths: by making your own E-Liquids, you can save 10 to 20 times less.

Every penny counts

Maybe you chose to switch to E-Liquids because you are in the process of quitting smoking, or maybe you just enjoy the vaping lifestyle and experience: either way, you can’t help but notice that vaping can save you a lot of money compared to traditional cigarettes and tobacco. Now that you are already saving some money, it’s fantastic to be able to save even more.

The average person goes through about 15 x 10 mL bottles of E-Liquid per month (some a little more, some a little less) – at £4 per bottle, you are looking at about 60 quid each and every month. If you start mixing your own custom liquids, you can reduce that to less than £10. That £50 per month will add up to over £300 annually – that is an entire sun holiday or some new designer duds, all without sacrificing flavour, nicotine or fun.

E-Liquid Mixology is fun and easy!

You might be excited about all of these money saving opportunities, but intimidated by the actual process of mixing, creating and designing your own E-Liquids at home. While it is true that you do have to pay attention to a few numbers and get the measurements precise, this process is a lot easier than you might think, even if maths are not your forte.

Thankfully, you don’t have to whip up these E-liquids all on your own; a number of online e-juice calculators have begun to pop up on the internet. These calculators and recipes can help you to ensure that your mixture is perfectly measured and ready to use. It only takes one or two experiences with these recipes for most people to feel confident and able to customise their E-Liquids to their exact specifications. Most people report that this process takes them less than 20 minutes – that is not a lot of time to save money and even have a bit of mixology fun.


If you are convinced that making your own E-Liquids is well worth your while, head to The Vape Shop in order to get started today. It’s well worth your time – and your money!