Disposable Vapes – Dubious Marketing & Increased Nicotine Addiction

Disposable Vapes - Dubious Marketing & Increased Nicotine Addiction

Disposable vapes, also known as e-cigarettes or electronic nicotine delivery systems, have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly among young people. While they are often marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, there is growing concern about the potential health risks of these products. One area of particular concern is the way that disposable vapes are marketed, with some companies advertising their products as having low nicotine concentrations, when in reality they can be much higher.

The ‘2%’ Is Misleading (2% = 20mg)

One example of this is disposable vapes that are advertised as having a nicotine concentration of 2%. This might seem like a relatively low amount, but it’s not! The way that nicotine concentrations are typically measured is by weight, with the percentage representing the weight of the nicotine in relation to the total weight of the e-liquid. So, a disposable vape advertised as having a 2% nicotine concentration would contain 20 mg of nicotine per 1 mL of e-liquid. This is actually a relatively high amount of nicotine and could be considered equivalent to smoking a pack of 20 traditional cigarettes.

One of the reasons that disposable vapes with high nicotine concentrations can be particularly problematic is that they can act as a gateway to increased nicotine addiction. Many people start using disposable vapes because they believe that they are an easier way to quit smoking than using a reusable vape, but most are not be aware of the high levels of nicotine that they are inhaling. 

Gateway Attractive For Young people

Another issue with disposable vapes is that they are often marketed in a way that is appealing to young people. Many of these products come in a variety of bright colours and various synthetic flavours. These synthetic flavours often contain artificial sweeteners and flavour strengtheners to make potent flavours of fruit and candy flavors, which can make them more attractive to children and teenagers. There is also concern that the marketing strategies used by some disposable vape companies may be designed to appeal to young people and encourage them to start using these products.

Environmental Issues

One major concern is the amount of waste that disposable vapes generate. Disposable vapes are designed to be used once and then disposed of, and they are not easily recyclable. This means they contribute to the growing problem of plastic waste in landfills and the environment.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with disposable vapes, and to understand that the nicotine concentrations advertised by some of these products may be misleading. While disposable vapes may be marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, they can still contain high levels of nicotine and may act as a gateway to increased nicotine addiction. It is important for young people, in particular, to be aware of these risks and to understand the potential dangers of using disposable vapes.